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Jane Wooster Scott   

Evergreens of Lancaster County by Jane Wooster Scott
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Evergreens of Lancaster County by Jane Wooster Scott
Published by Scott Arts Graphics

 A soft mantle of snow graces a rural village with
unparalleled beauty, lending a profound sense of
seasonal dominance. However, as she so often does
in her paintings, artist Jane Wooster Scott has
filled Evergreens Of Lancaster with human activity.
 Winter may be a time for Mother Earth to rest from
her labors. Her plants slumber. Her animals hibernate.
But industrious Pennsylvania Dutch burghers bustle 
about their business, enlivened by the brisk winter
air. True, the mill frozen, the fields silent under
their white blanket,the roads are icy. But there are
chores to be done, friends to visit and time to
rejoice in the great outdoors redolent with wood smoke.
 Best of all are the evergreens, the fir and pine
and spruce, sentinels of life everlasting. They hold
the promise of Spring's rebirth of a green and verdant


[Bullet] Limited Edition ___150  signed and numbered


DESCRIPTION                                                  Image size           "Evergreens of Lancaster County" 22 1/2" X 30"
PRICE                 $ 200 (u.s)plus shipping
TO ORDER CALL 1-800-435-6009

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Last modified: 03/21/09
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