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Jim Killen the artist himself Jim Killen's artwork is in great demand...whether the subject is waterfowl, upland game, wild turkey or your favorite dog... it appeals to Americans nationwide!. Jim Killen's Book "The Art of Jim Killen" 140 painting and 20 sketches, 11" x 10" 168 pages. Jim Killen's print set "Class Reunion" same six sporting dogs as in " School Daze ". Jim Killen's print set "Fish Pond" Mallards The magnificent sunrise in the marsh brings to mind great days... Jim Killen's Limited edition print set "Great Beginnings" Artist Jim Killen has captured the special feeling America has for these four favorite sporting dog puppies in this series..Set of four. Jim Killen's Limited edition print set "Great Hunting Dogs Drahthaars" This regal pointing breed is a favorite companion for upland game... Jim Killen's Limited edition print set "Great Hunting Dogs Labrador Retrievers II" second painting capturing the essence of this faithful, energetic breed.. Jim Killen's Limited edition print " Head of the Class " Boykin-Dove The opening day of dove season is a cherished tradition..... Jim Killen's Limited edition print " In The Field- Black Lab" Black lab with Ring-necked Pheasant Jim Killen's Limited edition print " In The Field " Artist Jim Killen has captured the Boykin Spaniel in a dove field Jim Killen's Limited edition print " In The Field- Brittany/Quail" Brittany with Bobwhite Quail flying by in the background Jim Killen's Limited edition print In"The Field- German Shorthair" German Shorthair with a Pheasant flying by in the background Jim Killen's Limited edition print " In The Field- Springer " Springer with a Pheasant flying by in the background Jim Killen's Limited edition print "Lowcountry Treasures" Artist Jim Killen has captured this group of Boykin Spaniels Jim Killen's print set "Pride and Joy" Boykin Spaniel Puppy and Carolina Wren. Jim Killen's print set "Proud Legacy " Boykin Spaniels. Jim Killen's Limited edition print " Sharing the Land " Canada Geese in a peaceful scene.... Jim Killen's Limited edition print "The Legacy" Black Labs..... Jim Killen's Limited edition print "The Greenhorns" Artist Jim Killen has captured this winsome group of Lab pups in his latest release.... Jim Killen's "The Marshland Series - "Black Lab" Black Lab / Canvasback... Jim Killen's "The Marshland Series - "Cheasapeake" Cheasapeake / Canvasback... Jim Killen's "The Marshland Series - Golden Retriever" Golden Retriever with a wood duck... Jim Killen's Limited edition print "That Special Place" Everyone seems to have their own "That Special Place" Jim Killen's Limited edition print "Top Dog" The Boykin leaves little to be desired as a hunting dog....
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Last modified: 03/21/09
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